Thursday 30 November 2017


                                             JOHN DEWEY

John Dewey was an american philosopher , psychologist,practical teacher and thinker.His experience in life brought him two convictions which directed the whole course of his educational life .These convictions are that the traditional methods of schooling are futile and fruitless and that the human contacts of every day life provide ultimated,natural,dynamic learning situations

JohnDeweys pedagogy direct experience forms the basis of method of instructions .According to him, the child learns best by doing and as such all learning must come as a by product of actions .He advocated the following methods of teaching

A project is a purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment .Dewey recommended projects to be used as teaching techniques .this method lays emphasis on pupils purpose,need interest ,self activity and participation in the entire process of teaching

Dewey suggested that problematic situations should be provided to children in the classroom so that they make purposeful effort to solve the difficulty by reflective thinking

Dewey implied that the learners must be placed in the position of discovers and inventors and learn things for themselves by testing and experimenting

According to Dewey the child learns best when he himself performs actions related to particular subject .so the school must provide an environment and improvise activities for facilitating learning by

Dewey was not in favour of the traditional approach to discipline .He envisioned the kind of discipline which is inculcated through cooperative social activities .the following are his important views on discipline

(A) He advocated positive discipline ,free discipline social discipline and self discipline resulting out of free ,purposeful and creative social activities

(B)The discipline should be the result of conjoint cooperative and collective activities .as such social activities are recommended for installing discipline

(C)self discipline can be taught through assigned social responsibility

(D)creating democratic environment in the school

Pragmatic education considers teacher as a servant of society .His task is to create in the school an environment which will help in the development of the child's social personality and enable the child to become a responsible democratic citizen .the specific roles of the teacher are the following

(a) The teacher has to observe ,plan and encourage pupils activities environment and experience

(b) A pragmatic teacher should be a friend a guide and rather than a task master .he has to guide the youngsters through complicities of life

(c) The teacher should have empathy for the child he must realise the divinity of his calling

(d)The child and curriculum are poles apart to bring them together the teacher should start with the child his interest his needs and goals

His specific contributions to the field of education are the following

1)He put forward a philosophy of education which is dynamic objective and pratical.A philosophy with experimental base for the first time in history
2) he gave a progressive out look to education
3)Dewey established an organise relationship between individual and society which is the undercurrent of democratic movement in education 
4)His view about the teacher as an observer guide and helper over through the domination of the teacher 
5)John Dewey completely changed the all structure of educational set up and paved the way for modern progressive  
6)Dewey set inoculation of democratic values and social qualities in the forefront of the list of educational aims
7)the project method is direct contribution of Dewey to education

Saturday 18 November 2017





Inside the classroom we can read ,listen,write, and talkabout different topics or sees them or pictures where we are able to use our imagination and only ourimagination sets the limit.A study tour is an experience where students study themselves .Study tour help students open themselves to many possiblities that are not just contained in one geographical location or ultra no matter how much students learnduring study tour,their favourite moment may be based on their enjoyment of the day


  • To understand the history of the kuthiramalika palace
  • To create knowledge of travancore royal family
  • To develop the qualities like observation and implementary skills among students
  • To provide awarness about historical monuments study 


Fathima memorial training college organized a one day field trip to thiruvananthapuram .tour was being planned and cordinated through college union. around 10 teachers and 98 students were a part of this tour .which commenced on 16th november 2017,we social science students choose kuthiramalika palace as our monument visit

kuthiramalika is a wonderful wooden palace build by swathi thirunal balarama varma in 1840s .the palace got its name from 122 horses that are curved into the wooden wall bracket that support the southern roof gave it the name kuthiramalika .swathi thirunal lived here less than a year just before his death . after that the complex was locked up till recently .it is believed that swathi thirunal wrote some of the his important works sitting in a chamber inside this palace from where he could get a reare view of the temple ,and the belives was that the death happend due to the mistake in following the vasthu sasthra .

According to vasthusasthra  the entrance of the palace must be facingthe eastern side the mistake here was the door was nottowards the east. After more than a century it was opened in 1995 after rectifying the mistake in placing the main was said by the guides present there that around 5000sculptors from thanchavoor worked for 4 years to complete the wooden architectural wonder with exquisite wood curvings.  among the 80 rooms of this palace only 20 are open for public to visit also the palace provided expert guides who know the travancoor history very well to help the visitors

Sunday 12 November 2017


1. The teachers mental and emotional visualisation of classroom activities is
a. Year plan                   b. Unit plan
c. Lesson plan              d. Resource plan
2. Globe is an example of
a. Graphic aid               b.  3D aid
c. Audio visual aid       d. project aid
3. The book which encourages self study of students
a. Text book                  b. Work book
c. Hand book                d. Resource book
4. Scaled down teaching encounter in class size and time is
a.Macro teaching        b. Team teaching
c. Models of teaching  d. Micro teaching
5. change in voice is a component of teaching skill
a. Reinforcement          b. Stimulus Variation
c. Explaining                d. Introducing the lesson
6.Television is an example of
a. Audio aid                b. Video aid
c. Audio visual aid     d, Project aid
7. The specification identities cames under the objective
a. Application           b. Knowledge
c. Comprehension     d. Internet
8. Which of the following is a specification psychomotor domain
a. Recalls           b. Eplains
c. Collects         d. Recognisis
9.Which one is not included in the project aids
a. Television     b. Episcape and Epidiascape
c. Graphs          d. Overhead projector
10. The most accurate repesentation of earths surface is
a.Maps            b. Globe
c.Atlas            d.Sphere


1. Attributes are elements of
a. Facts                     b. Concepts
c. Skills                    d. Principles
2. Any visible activity developed by the learner is
 a. Learning              b. Behavior
 c. Creativity            d. Intelligence
3. The Chief exponent of multiple intelligence is
 a. piaget                 b. Gardner
 c. Thurston            d. Thondike
4.  The technique used for enhancing creativity is
  a. Drill                  b. Review
  c. Stimulation       d. Brain Storming
5. Project method is the contribution
  a. Idealism            b. Pragmatism
 c. Realism             d. Naturalism
6. Synthesis is an instructional objective belongs to the domain of
 a. Affective           b. Cognitive
 c. Psychomotor     d. Feeling
7.The term scaffolding is related with
 a. Piaget               b. Bruner
 c. Skinner            d. Vygosky
8. Proponent of project Method
  a. Helen Parkhurit   b. E.Armstrong
  c. W.H. Kilpatrick   d. Richard Suchman
9. which is not an element of co-operative learning
  a. Positive regard    b. Group processing
  c. Individual Accountability     d. face to face
10. which among the following is not an essential quality of the teacher
  a. Scaffolder           b. Prejudiced
  c. Facilitator           d. Mentor