Saturday 19 January 2019



It was the last week of our school internship .3 months passed like 3 days .it was a wonderful package of good memories and experience.  In this week I contacted achievement and diagnosis test . students really performed well. I couldn't forget the days as the trainee teacher at H.S.S mayyanad .18/1/19 was the last was really hard to say bye to the students .the internship days were really memorizing.

Saturday 12 January 2019


In this week we can get only 3 working days.the first day of this week i used advance organized model for taking the  class.  second day and third day of this week there is no class due to the strike announced by a political   friday the principal devivered karate certificate for qualified students

Sunday 6 January 2019


                          7TH WEEK

   After the vacation class began at  31st December. In this week I can got 4 class.there was only 5working days .3/1/19 there was no class due to the strike announced by a political party. The last day of this week (05/01/2019) I Conducted a Conscientization programme on the topic career development.


As a part of the B.Ed curriculum , behave to organise a conscientization programme. It was an individual activity. So I decided to conduct an awareness programme on the topic, career development for secondary school students. Career development is the life long process of managing, meaning, work, leissure and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future. In educational development, career development provides a person, often a student , focus for selecting a career as subject to undertake in the future.


* To develop Consciousness regarding the opting of studying subjects after the tenth standard.
* To Make the students attention about the courses which is fabourably suitable for them.
*Aware students to vocational and technical tranining for the future
*Creating concentration on higher studies

I organised an awareness programme on the topic ,career development for the secondary school students on 5th January 2019. For this programme , I selected 10th standard students . The programme was started with a prayer and the vice principal Sri, Shibu sir delivered a presidential address . The programme was inaugurated by Sri. Anilkumar, the headmaster of Mayyanad HSS.

The class begins with an introduction about career development courses , then I shoved PPT about certain options of job opportunities and prefered subjects for getting a better job in future

Then I explained certain job options with the help of power point presentation.

After that I ask some questions to students about their ambitions and I explained how to achieve the ambitions by taking certain courses .

In the concluding phase I ask students to express the opinion about the class and ask their doubts . This conscientination class help the students to aware about their future and opting right subject options for a better life with harmony.