Thursday 1 February 2018



Education is an essential human virtue.It help man to make a deliberate and conscious effort to live comfortably and happily in his physical and social environment .The chief task of education is to shape man or to guide the evolving dynamism through which man forms himself as a man. According to Indian thinkers of ancient India ''education is the third eye of a person" ,it gives him insight into all affairs .Education removes darkness and shatteres  illusion .A person without education is really blind .Education  is a life long process and it has two aspects ,the individual aspects and the social aspects 
According to Rousseau "plants are developed by cultivation and men by education". Education nourishes us like a mother it directs us to the proper path like the father and it guide us to reach our destination like a teacher ."


Definitions given by Indian thinkers
  • Swami dayananda , "Education is a means for character formation and righteous living "
  • Swami vivekananda , " Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man"
  • Kautilya , " Education as the training for the country and developing love for it"
  • Sankaracharya  , "Education is the realization of the self"
  • Rabindranath Tagore ,"Education  enables the mind to find out the ultimate truth,which gives us the wealth of inner light and love and gives significance to life"
  • Mahatma Gandhi said " By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in child and man ,body,mind and spirit"
  • Aurobindo ," Education as helping the growing soul to draw out that is in itself"
  • Dr.S.Radhakrishnan ," Education is nothing but training the intellect ,refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit "
Definitions given by western thinkers

  • Socrates -" Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man ."
  • Froebel -"Education is a process by which the child makes the internal external ."
  • G.H .Thompson- "The influence of the environment on the individual with a view to producing a permanent change in his habits of behavior , of thought and attitude."
  • Addison - "Education when it works upon noble mind , draws out to view every latent virtue  and perfection which without such help are never able to make their appearance".
  • Adams - "Education is a bipolar process in which one personality acts upon another in order to modify the development of the other".
  • Dumvile -" Education in its widest sense includes all the influences  which act upon an individual during his passage from cradle to the grave ".  

Formal and Informal Education 

 Formal Education :- Formal education is that education where according to predetermined aims and methods of teaching , definite dozes of knowledge are thrust into the mind of a child at a specific place during a set duration of time by a particular individual. The reward of all this is in variably a certificate , diploma or degree . As such, formal education is artificial and all its resources are limited. Through the main  center of formal education is school but library , museum , zoo , picture galleries, lectures and sympozia etc.

Informal Education :-  Informal Education is natural and incidental . There are no predetermined aims, curricula, methods, teachers and places where children receive informal education . This process  of imparting education goes on unconsciously and the agencies from which informal education is received are the family , the neighborhood , the playing grounds , the social and religious activities etc.

Direct and Indirect Education

Direct Education  :- Direct education is that education in which the teacher and the child are face to face and predetermined dozes of knowledge are given to the child in a specific way during a specific duration of time . In other  words when the teacher provides such a controlled   environment before a child in which the personality of the teacher directly influence the personality of the child , such education is called direct education .

Indirect Education  :- Indirect education is not a predetermined plan . It has no aims , no methods and no fixed duration of time. The child enjoys full freedom to structure his own experience in a natural way according to his interest and needs . Often the agencies of indirect education are informal whose aims and purpose are different .

General and Specific Education  

General Education  :- General Education is also called liberal education . Here the aim of education is  imparting general education for all children upto a certain stage . It is imparted to sharpen the intellect of the child who is able to lead  a general life successfully.

Specific Education  :- Specific education has specific aim. Such education is imparted to children having special interest and aptitude for it. The aim of specific education is to prepare a child for a specific vocation .

Individual and Collective Education 

Individual  Education    :-  Individual education is that education which is provided to each child separately according to his interest , inclinations, needs and capacities . In such a situation , the child feels free and finds this types of education easy and useful.

Collective Education   :- collective education  is imparted to groups or classes . Here there is a time table , provision of specific  subjects and a specific duration of time. This is a common pattern of educational organization in India . Children of different levels of intelligence and having different interest , aptitudes and capacities sit together in groups or classes and a specific group of teachers  teaches them during a specific duration through preplanned methods , the preplanned content .

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