Wednesday 31 October 2018

EDU:13 Emerging trends and practices in social science education .

  1. Pedegogy of the oppressed is the famous work of _________
      1. Osbarn
      2. Paulo Freire
      3. Carl Rogers
      4. Kelly                
Ans: B
  1. Who was developed experiential learning ?
      1. Paulo Freire
      2. Carl Rogers
      3. Kelly
      4. Osbarn
Ans: B
  1. Self paced component is the component of ______
      1. Blended learning
      2. Experiential learning
      3. Problem based learning
      4. Self study
Ans: A
  1. The becoming key to evaluate the presentation of the students with the help of specific criteria is termed as ________
      1. Part folio assessment
      2. Rubrics
      3. Feedback
      4. Diagnostic test
Ans: B
  1. Instructional package of data in electronic form is known as ______
      1. e-learning
      2. e-content
      3. Website surfing
      4. None of the above
Ans: B
  1. An example of online community for sharing instructional resources for teaching including videos,audios, photos.
      1. Facebook
      2. Youtube
      3. Website
      4. Teacher tube
Ans: C .
  1. Concept mapping is developed by whom ?
      1. Novak
      2. Osbarn
      3. Atheston
      4. Kolb
Ans: A
  1. A reflective strategy ?
      1. Journaling
      2. Meta cognition
      3. Self study
      4. Peer tutoring
  1. A method of teaching which involves the solution of a simple task ?
      1. Problem solving
      2. Problem based learning
      3. Brain storming
      4. All of the above
Ans: A
  1. Which test is used to measure how much a student has not able to achieve ?
      1. Poat folio assessment
      2. Rubrics
      3. Diagnostic test
      4. Achievement test
Ans: C

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