Wednesday 11 December 2019

Methods of Teaching Social Science

 Methods of Teaching Social Science 


.A teacher has to make use of various kinds of methods, devices and techniques of teaching. A teacher has to make use of a suitable method for making his teaching meaningful, purposeful, interesting and effective. The success or failure of teaching depends on its methods. The methods of teaching should be according to the needs and interests of learners. The purpose of this paper is differentiate teaching method, technique and strategy of social sciences.

Different Methods of Teaching Social Science 

LECTUREMETHOD: Teacher explains the matter  in simple and understandable manner.The method is particularly used in the secondary classes and above.It can be used to motivate students,to clarify, to review and to expand contents.

    PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD: In this method the learner is required to solve a problem, making use of his previous knowledge.

PROJECT METHOD:Children should be given education to satisfy their needs of life and the school should function like a mini society in which and through the students would acquire education by engaging themselves in a variety of group projects nothing is forced upon children .The teacher acts only as a guide.

Steps in project method

1.          Providing a situation

2.          Choosing the project

3.          Planning the project

4.          Executing the project

5.          Evaluation of the project        

 SOURCE METHOD: Source method is that method of teaching in which original sources of information are used to explain a point or variety a fact or establish a principle or describe an event.This method involves activity on the parts of the teachers as well as pupils.

 SUPERVISED STUDY METHOD: By supervised study we mean the supervision by the teacher of a group or class of pupils as they work at their desk or around their tables

 DRAMATIZATION METHOD:Dramatization has been described as a ‘synthetic art’,involving the purposive co-ordination and control of the delicate organs of speech and muscles of the body combined with a sense of rhythm, with a view to free and intelligent expression of emotions and ideas.  Drama has its great social value.  It is a co -operative enterprise and develops the qualities of co-operation and social understanding

      DEBATE METHOD:A debate is a programme in which two or more students holding contradictory opinions on a particular problem present arguments

 CO-OPERATIVE LEARNING METHOD:Is an approach to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. It differs from group work, and it has been described as "structuring positive interdependence.  Cooperative Learning involves structuring classes around small groups that work together in such a way that each group member's success is dependent on the group's success.

MULTIMEDIA APPROACHES:Multimedia  refers to  content  that uses a combination of differentcontent forms. This contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material




  Traditional teaching techniques, based mainly on a teacher explaining a topic and students taking notes, may still be useful on occasion, but education today revolves more around encouraging the student to awaken their curiosity and desire to learn.A number of   different teaching techniques have emerged due to this change in education.   The use of technology in the classroom has simply given education a new lease of life allowing us to approach old ideas in new ways.Outlined below are some popular teaching techniques that have arisen from the integration of technology in education.

1.Flipped Classroom :

The Flipped Classroom Model basically involves encouraging students to prepare for the lesson before class 

2. Design Thinking (Case Method):

This technique is based on resolving real-life cases through group analysis, brainstorming, innovation and creative ideas. Although “Design Thinking” is a structured method, in practice it can be quite messy as some cases may have no possible solution.


3. Self-learning:

Curiosity is the main driver of learning .A common technique for exploring self-learning is the use of Mind Maps. Teachers can create a central node on a Mind Map and allow students the freedom to expand and develop ideas



There are may useful teaching strategies to support effective teaching in social sciences. This section contains a variety of graphic organisers; cooperative learning ideas; tools and resources for writing and presenting information; and ideas for oral and visual activities.

Graphic organisers

This section has a wide variety of graphic organisers such as charts, webs, diagrams, maps, templates, grids, and wheels to help students organise and display information and their findings.

Cooperative learning

Explore these group and team activities in which students have opportunities to work together to achieve shared learning goals.

Writing and presenting information

This section includes links to suggestions for written activities, such as essay and paragraph writing, questionnaires, surveys, graphic organisers, and descriptions.

Using oral and visual activities

These links to information about oral or visual forms of literacy are useful for teaching and learning in social studies. This includes the use of pictures, photos, drawings, audio conferences, booklets, biographies, and interviews


Social Studies as a distinct area of knowledge and of what the knowledge embodies.Teaching the scientific method is a staple of standard introductory social science courses such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science.instructional objectives that must be carefully and systematically sorted out and the strategies,techniques and skills that must be employed to be a result-oriented learner and teacher. There is, in addition, package on the type of instructional material that would aid the learner/teacher to be a success.



            Pathak, R.P.2003.Teaching Of Social Studies.NewDelhi:Dorling Kindersley(India)Pvt.Ltd.,

            SudheeshKumar,P.K and Noushad,P.P.2008. Social Studies in the Classroom Trends&Methods.Calicut:ScorpioPublishers&Distributers.,

            Kochhar ,S.K.2000. Teaching Of Social Studies.NewDelhi:Sterling  Publishers Pvt.Ltd.,

            Sidhu ,H.S.1998.The Teaching Of Social Studies.Ludhiyana:Tondon Publication.,

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